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Shakespeare Schools Festival: His Words, Our Play

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The Shakespeare Schools Festival is the UK’s largest youth drama festival, and they offer school students from all backgrounds the opportunity to perform Shakespeare on their local professional stage. Which is pretty brilliant. 

They recently asked me to create a promotional pack of exercise cards to send out to schools, ‘to challenge, support and inspire teachers to inject some SSF style creativity into their classrooms’. 



I created an A5 buckram-lined box, with 24 foil-blocked exercise cards, and a few simpler introductory cards. 

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The exercise cards are set in four distinct sections, so I used a separate colour foil to distinguish each section. The exercises each feature quotes from Shakespeare’s plays. I knew these could look fantastic lining the walls of a classroom, so I set them in bold, engaging lettering on the fronts of the cards. 

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My client’s response was: ‘They are beautiful! Thank you so much, I couldn't be more pleased.’

Which are fine words indeed.

posted: 13 July 2015
categories: Graphics
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